New CARIM initiative: Anna Maria van Schurman Stipend - call for proposals

In 2024, CARIM introduces the Anna Maria van Schurman Stipend, aimed at encouraging and supporting female researchers, named after the acknowledged ‘first female Dutch student’. The scholarship amounts €100,000 (to be spent within two years) and will be awarded annually to a female researcher within CARIM. With this scholarship, we wish to help reverse the stagnation in the advancement of women to senior scientific positions in the Netherlands, as highlighted in the 2023 Monitor of Female Professors.

Female CARIM researchers (PhD, pre-UHD) are invited to send in a proposal. This proposal should include a plan on how the scholarship will be used (max. 2 pages with a brief budget overview via form), with their CV as an attachment. The application can be sent to The submission deadline is 31 October 2024. After this deadline, a committee consisting of the members of the Anna Maria van Schurman Stipend working group and of the CARIM working group on Diversity, Inclusivity, will select the first Anna Maria van Schurman Stipend-laureate. They will base their selection on the quality of the research plan (including alignment with CARIM themes) and contribution of the plan to future career opportunities.

The laureate will organise a mini-symposium in collaboration with the CARIM D&I working group and CARIM office around International Women's Day (8 March) in the year following the award. As an exception, the first laureate will be announced during the CARIM Symposium on 27 November 2024. In the following years, the scholarship will be awarded during the mini-symposium in March.

Click here to download the application form.
