• 2021
    • Uijl, A., Veenis, J. F., Brunner-La Rocca, H. P., van Empel, V., Linssen, G. C. M., Asselbergs, F. W., van der Lee, C., Eurlings, L. W. M., Kragten, H., Al-Windy, N. Y. Y., van der Spank, A., Koudstaal, S., Brugts, J. J., & Hoes, A. W. (2021). Clinical profile and contemporary management of patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: results from the CHECK-HF registry. Netherlands Heart Journal, 29(7-8), 370-376. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12471-020-01534-7
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    • Uijl, A., Savarese, G., Vaartjes, I., Dahlstrom, U., Brugts, J. J., Linssen, G. C. M., van Empel, V., Brunner-La Rocca, H. P., Asselbergs, F. W., Lund, L. H., Hoes, A. W., & Koudstaal, S. (2021). Identification of distinct phenotypic clusters in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. European journal of heart failure, 23(6), 973-982. https://doi.org/10.1002/ejhf.2169
    • Favere, K., Bosman, M., Klingel, K., Heymans, S., Van Linthout, S., Delputte, P. L., De Sutter, J., Heidbuchel, H., & Guns, P. J. (2021). Toll-Like Receptors: Are They Taking a Toll on the Heart in Viral Myocarditis?Viruses, 13(6), Article 1003. https://doi.org/10.3390/v13061003
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    • Raafs, A. G., Verdonschot, J. A. J., Henkens, M. T. H. M., Adriaans, B. P., Wang, P., Derks, K., Abdul Hamid, M. A., Knackstedt, C., van Empel, V. P. M., Diez, J., Brunner-La Rocca, H.-P., Brunner, H. G., Gonzalez, A., Bekkers, S. C. A. M., Heymans, S. R. B., & Hazebroek, M. R. (2021). The combination of carboxy-terminal propeptide of procollagen type I blood levels and late gadolinium enhancement at cardiac magnetic resonance provides additional prognostic information in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy - A multilevel assessment of myocardial fibrosis in dilated cardiomyopathy. European journal of heart failure, 23(6), 933-944. https://doi.org/10.1002/ejhf.2201
    • Roblain, Q., Louis, T., Yip, C., Baudin, L., Struman, I., Caolo, V., Lambert, V., Lecomte, J., Noel, A., & Heymans, S. (2021). Intravitreal injection of anti-miRs against miR-142-3p reduces angiogenesis and microglia activation in a mouse model of laser-induced choroidal neovascularization. Aging, 13(9), 12359-12377. https://doi.org/10.18632/aging.203035
    • Kapsokalyvas, D., Rosas, R., Janssen, R. W. A., Vanoevelen, J. M., Nabben, M., Strauch, M., Merhof, D., & van Zandvoort, M. A. M. J. (2021). Multiview deconvolution approximation multiphoton microscopy of tissues and zebrafish larvae. Scientific Reports, 11(1), Article 10160. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-89566-w
    • Glatz, J. F. C., Wang, F., Nabben, M., & Luiken, J. J. F. P. (2021). CD36 as a target for metabolic modulation therapy in cardiac disease. Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets, 25(5), 393-400. https://doi.org/10.1080/14728222.2021.1941865
    • Remmelzwaal, S., Beulens, J. W. J., Elders, P. J. M., Stehouwer, C. D. A., Zhang, Z., Handoko, M. L., Appelman, Y., van Empel, V., Heymans, S. R. B., Thijs, L., Staessen, J. A., & van Ballegooijen, A. J. (2021). Sex differences in the longitudinal relationship of low-grade inflammation and echocardiographic measures in the Hoorn and FLEMENGHO Study. PLOS ONE, 16(5), Article e0251148. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0251148
    • D'Souza, A., Wang, Y. W., Anderson, C., Bucchi, A., Baruscotti, M., Olieslagers, S., Mesirca, P., Johnsen, A. B., Mastitskaya, S., Ni, H. B., Zhang, Y., Black, N., Cox, C., Wegner, S., Bano-Otalora, B., Petit, C., Gill, E., Logantha, S. J. R. J., Dobrzynski, H., ... Boyett, M. R. (2021). A circadian clock in the sinus node mediates day-night rhythms in Hcn4 and heart rate. Heart Rhythm, 18(5), 801-810. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hrthm.2020.11.026
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    • Simonavicius, J., Mikalauskas, A., & Brunner-La Rocca, H. P. (2021). Soluble CD146-an underreported novel biomarker of congestion: a comment on a review concerning congestion assessment and evaluation in acute heart failure. Heart Failure Reviews, 26(3), 731-732. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10741-020-09950-y
    • Sanders-van Wijk, S., Barandiaran Aizpurua, A., Brunner-La Rocca, H.-P., Henkens, M. T. H. M., Weerts, J., Knackstedt, C., Uszko-Lencer, N., Heymans, S., & van Empel, V. (2021). The HFA-PEFF and H2FPEF scores largely disagree in classifying patients with suspected heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. European journal of heart failure, 23(5), 838-840. https://doi.org/10.1002/ejhf.2019
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    • Simonavicius, J., & Brunner-La Rocca, H. P. (2021). Do chronic heart failure patients receive optimal decongestive interventions in a real‐life setting? Letter regarding the article ‘Association between loop diuretic dose changes and outcomes in chronic heart failure: observations from the ESC‐EORP Heart Failure Long‐Term Registry’. European journal of heart failure, 23(2), 342-342. https://doi.org/10.1002/ejhf.1839
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  • 2020
    • Schianchi, F., Glatz, J. F. C., Navarro Gascon, A., Nabben, M., Neumann, D., & Luiken, J. J. F. P. (2020). Putative Role of Protein Palmitoylation in Cardiac Lipid-Induced Insulin Resistance. International journal of molecular sciences, 21(24), Article 9438. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms21249438
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