Simone Eussen

Assistant Professor

Dr Simone Eussen's research focusses on the role of nutrition and underlying metabolic and molecular processes in the aetiology of common chronic diseases. She has built a strong track record on B-vitamins, related molecular one-carbon and kynurenine pathways, and chronic diseases during her PhD (Wageningen Universtiy) and post-doc (Bergen, Norway; also supported by a prestigious personal research grant from the Norwegian Research Council). She integrated this expertise to study quality of food intake at Maastricht University. Funds granted by the NWO (BBMRI) and the European JPI (Dedipac) focussed on methodological aspects of dietary assessment.

Her current work involves study of dietary quality (at nutrient and bioactive compound, food group, and dietary patterns level) in relation to chronic disease, including T2DM, CVD and mental disorders. Additionally, she expanded her focus to the emerging field of ‘chrono-nutrition’, and is member of the CIRCLE-DOME (CIRcadian CLock and timing of Eating on Diabetes, Obesity ad MEtabolism) network. Different aspects of dietary timing will be studied in relation to metabolic, cardiovascular and mental phenotypes to gain new insight in the role of chrono-nutrition in common pathologies within the framework of population based studies (for example The Maastricht Study; one of the world’s leading deep-phenotying population-based studies on T2DM and its comorbidities).

Department of Epidemiology
P. Debeyeplein 1, 6229 HX Maastricht 
PO Box 5800, 6202 AZ Maastricht
Room number: A2.018
T: +31(0)43 388 24 51

  • 2019
    • van Dongen, M. C. J. M., Wijckmans-Duysens, N. E. G., den Biggelaar, L. J. C. J., Ocke, M. C., Meijboom, S., Brants, H. A. M., de Vries, J. H. M., Feskens, E. J. M., Bueno-de-Mesquita, H. B., Geelen, A., Stehouwer, C. D. A., Dagnelie, P. C., & Eussen, S. J. P. M. (2019). The Maastricht FFQ: Development and validation of a comprehensive food frequency questionnaire for the Maastricht study. Nutrition, 62, 39-46.
    • den Biggelaar, L. J. C. J., Eussen, S. J. P. M., Sep, S. J. S., Mari, A., Ferrannini, E., van Greevenbroek, M. M., van der Kallen, C. J., Schalkwijk, C. G., Arts, I. C. W., Stehouwer, C. D. A., & Dagnelie, P. C. (2019). Prospective associations of dietary carbohydrate, fat, and protein intake with β-cell function in the CODAM study. European Journal of Nutrition, 58(2), 597-608.
    • Denissen, K. F. M., Heil, S. G., Eussen, S. J. P. M., Heeskens, J. P. J., Thijs, C., Mommers, M., Smits, L. J. M., van Dongen, M. C. J. M., & Dagnelie, P. C. (2019). Intakes of Vitamin B-12 from Dairy Food, Meat, and Fish and Shellfish Are Independently and Positively Associated with Vitamin B-12 Biomarker Status in Pregnant Dutch Women. Journal of Nutrition, 149(1), 131-138.
  • 2018
    • van der Velde, J. H. P. M., Schaper, N. C., Stehouwer, C. D. A., van der Kallen, C. J. H., Sep, S. J. S., Schram, M. T., Henry, R. M. A., Dagnelie, P. C., Eussen, S. J. P. M., van Dongen, M. C. J. M., Savelberg, H. H. C. M., & Koster, A. (2018). Which is more important for cardiometabolic health: sedentary time, higher intensity physical activity or cardiorespiratory fitness? The Maastricht Study. Diabetologia, 61(12), 2561-2569.
    • Wyers, C. E., Reijven, P. L. M., Breedveld-Peters, J. J. L., Denissen, K. F. M., Schotanus, M. G. M., van Dongen, M. C. J. M., Eussen, S. J. P. M., Heyligers, I. C., van den Brandt, P. A., Willems, P. C., van Helden, S., & Dagnelie, P. C. (2018). Efficacy of Nutritional Intervention in Elderly After Hip Fracture: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. Journals of Gerontology Series A-Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 73(10), 1429-1437.
    • Eussen, S. J. P. M., van Dongen, M. C. J. M., Wijckmans, N. E. G., Meijboom, S., Brants, H. A. M., de Vries, J. H. M., Bueno-de-Mesquita, H. B., Geelen, A., Sluik, D., Feskens, E. J. M., Ocke, M. C., & Dagnelie, P. C. (2018). A national FFQ for the Netherlands (the FFQ-NL1.0): development and compatibility with existing Dutch FFQs. Public Health Nutrition, 21(12), 2221-2229.
    • Smelt, A. F. H., Gussekloo, J., Bermingham, L. W., Allen, E., Dangour, A. D., Eussen, S. J. P. M., Favrat, B., De Groot, L. C. P. G. M., Kok, F. J., Kwok, T., Mangoni, A. A., Ntaios, G., Van de Rest, O., Seal, E., Vaucher, P., Verhoef, P., Stijnen, T., & Den Elzen, W. P. J. (2018). The effect of vitamin B12 and folic acid supplementation on routine haematological parameters in older people: an individual participant data meta-analysis. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 72(6), 785-795.
    • Martens, R. J. H., van der Berg, J. D., Stehouwer, C. D. A., Henry, R. M. A., Bosma, H., Dagnelie, P. C., van Dongen, M. C. J. M., Eussen, S. J. P. M., Schram, M. T., Sep, S. J. S., van der Kellen, C. J. H., Schaper, N. C., Savelberg, H. H. C. M., van der Sande, F. M., Kroon, A. A., Kooman, J. P., & Koster, A. (2018). Amount and pattern of physical activity and sedentary behavior are associated with kidney function and kidney damage: The Maastricht Study. PLOS ONE, 13(4), Article 0195306.
    • Riordan, F., McGann, R., Kingston, C., Perry, I. J., Schulze, M. B., Andersen, L. F., Geelen, A., Van't Veer, P., Eussen, S. J. P. M., Van Dongen, M. C. J. M., Wijckmans-Duysens, N. E. G., & Harrington, J. M. (2018). A systematic review of methods to assess intake of saturated fat (SF) among healthy European adults and children: a DEDIPAC (Determinants of Diet and Physical Activity) study. BMC Nutrition, 4(1).
  • 2017
    • Van der Velde, J. H. P. M., Koster, A., Van der Berg, J. D., Sep, S. J. S., Van der Kallen, C. J. H., Dagnelie, P. C., Schram, M. T., Henry, R. M. A., Eussen, S. J. P. M., Van Dongen, M. C. J. M., Stehouwer, C. D. A., Schaper, N. C., & Savelberg, H. H. C. M. (2017). Sedentary Behavior, Physical Activity, and Fitness-The Maastricht Study. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 49(8), 1583-1591.
    • Van Der Berg, J. D., Van Der Velde, J. P. M., De Waard, E. A. C., Bosma, H., Savelberg, H. H. C. M., Schaper, N. C., Van Den Bergh, J. P. W., Geusens, P. P. M. M., Schram, M. T., Sep, S. J. S., Van Der Kallen, C. J. H., Henry, R. A., Dagnelie, P. C., Eussen, S. J. P. M., Van Dongen, M. C. J. M., Kohler, S., Kroon, A. A., Stehouwer, C. D. A., & Koster, A. (2017). Replacement Effects of Sedentary Time on Metabolic Outcomes: The Maastricht Study. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 49(7), 1351-1358.
    • den Biggelaar, L. J. C. J., Eussen, S. J. P. M., Sep, S. J. S., Mari, A., Ferrannini, E., van Dongen, M. C. J. M., Denissen, K. F. M., Wijckmans, N. E. G., Schram, M. T., van der Kallen, C. J., Koster, A., Schaper, N., Henry, R. M. A., Stehouwer, C. D. A., & Dagnelie, P. C. (2017). Associations of Dietary Glucose, Fructose, and Sucrose with beta-Cell Function, Insulin Sensitivity, and Type 2 Diabetes in the Maastricht Study. Nutrients, 9(4), Article 380.
    • Denissen, K. F. M., Janssen, L. M. J., Eussen, S. J. P. M., Van Dongen, M. C. J. M., Wijckmans, N. E. G., Van Deurse, N. D. M., & Dagnelie, P. C. (2017). Delivery of nutritious meals to elderly receiving home care: Feasibility and effectiveness. Journal of Nutrition Health & Aging, 21(4), 370-380.
    • Riordan, F., Ryan, K., Perry, I. J., Schulze, M. B., Andersen, L. F., Geelen, A., van't Veer, P., Eussen, S., van Dongen, M., Wijckmans-Duysens, N., & Harrington, J. M. (2017). A systematic review of methods to assess intake of sugar-sweetened beverages among healthy European adults and children: a DEDIPAC (DEterminants of DIet and Physical Activity) study. Public Health Nutrition, 20(4), 578-597.
    • den Biggelaar, L. J. C. J., Sep, S. J. S., Eussen, S. J. P. M., Mari, A., Ferrannini, E., van Greevenbroek, M. M. J., van der Kallen, C. J. H., Schalkwijk, C. G., Stehouwer, C. D. A., & Dagnelie, P. C. (2017). Discriminatory ability of simple OGTT-based beta cell function indices for prediction of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes: the CODAM study. Diabetologia, 60(3), 432-441.
    • Riordan, F., Ryan, K., Perry, I. J., Schulze, M. B., Andersen, L. F., Geelen, A., van't Veer, P., Eussen, S., Dagnelie, P., Wijckmans-Duysens, N., & Harrington, J. M. (2017). A systematic review of methods to assess intake of fruits and vegetables among healthy European adults and children: a DEDIPAC (DEterminants of DIet and Physical Activity) study. Public Health Nutrition, 20(3), 417-448.
  • 2016
    • Sluik, D., Geelen, A., de Vries, J. H. M., Eussen, S. J. P. M., Brants, H. A. M., Meijboom, S., van Dongen, M., Bueno-de-Mesquita, H. B., Wijckmans-Duysens, N. E. G., van ' t Veer, P., Dagnelie, P. C., Ocke, M. C., & Feskens, E. J. M. (2016). A national FFQ for the Netherlands (the FFQ-NL 1.0): validation of a comprehensive FFQ for adults. British Journal of Nutrition, 116(5), 913-923.
    • Eussen, S. J. P. M., van Dongen, M., Wijckmans, N., den Biggelaar, L., Elferink, S. J. W. H. O., Singh-Povel, C. M., Schram, M. T., Sep, S. J. S., van der Kallen, C. J., Koster, A., Schaper, N., Henry, R. M. A., Stehouwer, C. D. A., & Dagnelie, P. C. (2016). Consumption of dairy foods in relation to impaired glucose metabolism and type 2 diabetes mellitus: the Maastricht Study. British Journal of Nutrition, 115(8), 1453-1461.
    • Zuo, H., Ueland, P. M., Ulvik, A., Eussen, S. J. P. M., Vollset, S. E., Nygard, O., Midttun, O., Theofylaktopoulou, D., Meyer, K., & Tell, G. S. (2016). 9 Plasma Biomarkers of Inflammation, the Kynurenine Pathway, and Risks of All-Cause, Cancer, and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality. American Journal of Epidemiology, 183(4), 249-258.
  • 2015
    • Eussen, S. J. P. M., Ueland, P. M., Vollset, S. E., Nygard, O., Midttun, O., Sulo, G., Ulvik, A., Meyer, K., Pedersen, E. R., & Tell, G. S. (2015). Kynurenines as predictors of acute coronary events in the Hordaland Health Study. International Journal of Cardiology, 189(1), 18-24.
    • Zuo, H., Ueland, P. M., Eussen, S. J. P. M., Tell, G. S., Vollset, S. E., Nygard, O., Midttun, O., Meyer, K., & Ulvik, A. (2015). Markers of vitamin B6 status and metabolism as predictors of incident cancer: The Hordaland Health Study. International Journal of Cancer, 136(12), 2932-2939.
    • Pedersen, E. R., Tuseth, N., Eussen, S. J. P. M., Ueland, P. M., Strand, E., Svingen, G. F. T., Midttun, O., Meyer, K., Mellgren, G., Ulvik, A., Nordrehaug, J. E., Nilsen, D. W., & Nygard, O. (2015). Associations of Plasma Kynurenines With Risk of Acute Myocardial Infarction in Patients With Stable Angina Pectoris. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 35(2), 455-462.
    • Engelen, L., Schalkwijk, C. G., Eussen, S. J. P. M., Scheijen, J. L. J. M., Soedamah-Muthu, S. S., Chaturvedi, N., Fuller, J. H., & Stehouwer, C. D. A. (2015). Low 25-hydroxyvitamin D2 and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 levels are independently associated with macroalbuminuria, but not with retinopathy and macrovascular disease in type 1 diabetes: the EURODIAB prospective complications study. Cardiovascular Diabetology, 14(1), Article 67.
  • 2014
    • Zuo, H., Tell, G. S., Vollset, S. E., Ueland, P. M., Nygard, O., Midttun, O., Meyer, K., Ulvik, A., & Eussen, S. J. P. M. (2014). Interferon-γ-induced inflammatory markers and the risk of cancer: The Hordaland Health Study. Cancer, 120(21), 3370-3377.
    • Theofylaktopoulou, D., Ulvik, A., Midttun, O., Ueland, P. M., Vollset, S. E., Nygard, O., Hustad, S., Tell, G. S., & Eussen, S. J. P. M. (2014). Vitamins B-2 and B-6 as determinants of kynurenines and related markers of interferon-γ-mediated immune activation in the community-based Hordaland Health Study. British Journal of Nutrition, 112(7), 1065-1072.
    • Clarke, R., Bennett, D., Parish, S., Lewington, S., Skeaff, M., Eussen, S. J. P. M., Lewerin, C., Stott, D. J., Armitage, J., Hankey, G. J., Lonn, E., Spence, J. D., Galan, P., de Groot, L. C., Halsey, J., Dangour, A. D., Collins, R., Grodstein, F., & B-Vitamin Treatment Trialists’ Collaboration (2014). Effects of homocysteine lowering with B vitamins on cognitive aging: meta-analysis of 11 trials with cognitive data on 22,000 individuals. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 100(2), 657-666.
    • Nitter, M., Norgard, B., de Vogel, S., Eussen, S. J. P. M., Meyer, K., Ulvik, A., Ueland, P. M., Nygard, O., Vollset, S. E., Bjorge, T., Tjonneland, A., Hansen, L., Boutron-Ruault, M., Racine, A., Cottet, V., Kaaks, R., Kühn, T., Trichopoulou, A., Bamia, C., ... Riboli, E. (2014). Plasma methionine, choline, betaine, and dimethylglycine in relation to colorectal cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). Annals of Oncology, 25(8), 1609-1615.
    • Ulvik, A., Midttun, O., Pedersen, E. R., Eussen, S. J. P. M., Nygard, O., & Ueland, P. M. (2014). Evidence for increased catabolism of vitamin B-6 during systemic inflammation. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 100(1), 250-255.
    • Nilsen, R. M., Mastroiacovo, P., Gunnes, N., Alsaker, E. R., Bjorke-Monsen, A. L., Eussen, S. J. P. M., Haugen, M., Johannessen, A., Meltzer, H. M., Stoltenberg, C., Ueland, P. M., & Vollset, S. E. (2014). Folic Acid Supplementation and Interpregnancy Interval. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 28(3), 270-274.
    • Doets, E. L., Ueland, P. M., Tell, G. S., Vollset, S. E., Nygard, O. K., van 't Veer, P., de Groot, L. C. P. G. M., Nurk, E., Refsum, H., Smith, A. D., & Eussen, S. J. P. M. (2014). Interactions between plasma concentrations of folate and markers of vitamin B(12) status with cognitive performance in elderly people not exposed to folic acid fortification: the Hordaland Health Study. British Journal of Nutrition, 111(6), 1085-1095.
  • 2013
    • Chuang, S.-C., Rota, M., Gunter, M. J., Zeleniuch-Jacquotte, A., Eussen, S. J. P. M., Vollset, S. E., Ueland, P. M., Norat, T., Ziegler, R. G., & Vineis, P. (2013). Quantifying the Dose-Response Relationship Between Circulating Folate Concentrations and Colorectal Cancer in Cohort Studies: A Meta-Analysis Based on a Flexible Meta-Regression Model. American Journal of Epidemiology, 178(7), 1028-1037.
    • Ulvik, A., Theofylaktopoulou, D., Midttun, O., Nygard, O., Eussen, S. J. P. M., & Ueland, P. M. (2013). Substrate product ratios of enzymes in the kynurenine pathway measured in plasma as indicators of functional vitamin B-6 status. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 98(4), 934-940.
    • Sulo, G., Vollset, S. E., Nygard, O., Midttun, O., Ueland, P. M., Eussen, S. J. P. M., Pedersen, E. R., & Tell, G. S. (2013). Neopterin and kynurenine-tryptophan ratio as predictors of coronary events in older adults, the Hordaland Health Study. International Journal of Cardiology, 168(2), 1435-1440.
    • Eussen, S. J. P. M., Nilsen, R. M., Midttun, O., Hustad, S., IJssennagger, N., Meyer, K., Fredriksen, A., Ulvik, A., Ueland, P. M., Brennan, P., Johansson, M., Bueno-de-Mesquita, H. B., Vineis, P., Chuang, S.-C., Boutron-Ruault, M.-C., Dossus, L., Perquier, F., Overvad, K., Teucher, B., ... Vollset, S. E. (2013). North-south gradients in plasma concentrations of B-vitamins and other components of one-carbon metabolism in Western Europe: results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) Study. British Journal of Nutrition, 110(2), 363-374.
    • Theofylaktopoulou, D., Midttun, O., Ulvik, A., Ueland, P. M., Tell, G. S., Vollset, S. E., Nygard, O., & Eussen, S. J. P. M. (2013). A community-based study on determinants of circulating markers of cellular immune activation and kynurenines: the Hordaland Health Study. Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 173(1), 121-130.
  • 2012
    • Hustad, S., Eussen, S., Midttun, O., Ulvik, A., van de Kant, P. M., Morkrid, L., Gislefoss, R., & Ueland, P. M. (2012). Kinetic Modeling of Storage Effects on Biomarkers Related to B Vitamin Status and One-Carbon Metabolism. Clinical Chemistry, 58(2), 402-410.
  • 2011
    • Verhagen, H., Luteijn, J., White, B., Eussen, S., Rompelberg, C., Hoekstra, J., & Tijhuis, M. J. (2011). Integrated benefit-risk assessment of food and pharma. European Journal of Pharmacology, 668(Suppl. 1).
  • 2010
    • Eussen, S., Klungel, O., Garssen, J., Verhagen, F. J. J., van Kranen, H., van Loveren, H., & Rompelberg, C. (2010). Support of drug therapy using functional foods and dietary supplements: focus on statin therapy. British Journal of Nutrition, 103(9), 1260-1277.