Thomas Van Sloten
Post doc
Dr Thomas van Sloten studied Medicine at Maastricht University and Clinical Epidemiology at VU University Amsterdam, both in the Netherlands. The focus of his research is the epidemiological study of the role of microvascular dysfunction in the development brain diseases, including stroke, dementia and depression.
He did his PhD research under supervision of Prof. Coen Stehouwer at the Department of Internal Medicine of Maastricht UMC+, within CARIM. Thomas also worked at the National Institutes of Health (USA) and at INSERM U970, Paris Cardiovascular Research Center (France).
Currently, Thomas works as a resident internal medicine and post-doctoral research fellow with a Tenure-track position at Maastricht UMC+. Thomas has been awarded with various grants, including a Veni grant (Dutch Research Council NWO talent scheme), a Dekker clinical scientist grant (Dutch Heart Foundation) and a Diabetes Fonds Junior Fellowship (Dutch Diabetes Research Foundation).