Simone Eussen
Assistant Professor
Dr Simone Eussen's research focusses on the role of nutrition and underlying metabolic and molecular processes in the aetiology of common chronic diseases. She has built a strong track record on B-vitamins, related molecular one-carbon and kynurenine pathways, and chronic diseases during her PhD (Wageningen Universtiy) and post-doc (Bergen, Norway; also supported by a prestigious personal research grant from the Norwegian Research Council). She integrated this expertise to study quality of food intake at Maastricht University. Funds granted by the NWO (BBMRI) and the European JPI (Dedipac) focussed on methodological aspects of dietary assessment.
Her current work involves study of dietary quality (at nutrient and bioactive compound, food group, and dietary patterns level) in relation to chronic disease, including T2DM, CVD and mental disorders. Additionally, she expanded her focus to the emerging field of ‘chrono-nutrition’, and is member of the CIRCLE-DOME (CIRcadian CLock and timing of Eating on Diabetes, Obesity ad MEtabolism) network. Different aspects of dietary timing will be studied in relation to metabolic, cardiovascular and mental phenotypes to gain new insight in the role of chrono-nutrition in common pathologies within the framework of population based studies (for example The Maastricht Study; one of the world’s leading deep-phenotying population-based studies on T2DM and its comorbidities).